Forms and Documents

This is the Application form for all NEW and Reinstated Members.

Endowment Voluntary Disenrollment
Members who desire to opt out of the Endowment and Burial Departments must complete and sign this form. The local chapter must authenticate this form that the member is current with all dues and assessments and that all Grand Chapter Taxes are paid and return it within SEVEN DAYS from the date it was signed.

Endowment Involuntary Disenrollment
Members who desire to remain in the Endowment and Burial Departments must continue to pay their fees as currently established by the Constitution and Code. A delinquency of three months in arrears with the endowment and burial department constitutes non-financial status and automatic involuntary disenrollment. If you have members that are three months in arrears please complete and sign this form and return it to the Grand Office at the end of each quarter.

Please use this form to report any changes to your member roster including new members, reinstated members, suspended, demitted, and deceased. The complete form package contains two (2) pages.

Membership Tax is payable through and by the local chapter and due no later than March 31 yearly. All members who desire to remain in the Order of Eastern Star MUST remit this tax by the date due or forfeit membership entirely. Members who forfeit membership and wish to reinstate must pay a $50 reinstatement fee as well as the $45 tax at the time of reinstatement.