Whole school food policy

Food has a significant role to play in determining health and wellbeing, establishing social roles and reflecting and shaping the school's ethos and individuals' values.

Whole school food policy - a strategic approach

A strategic approach is required in order to give pupils consistent and accurate messages about healthier lifestyles, to help them to understand the effect of particular behaviours on health and encourage them to take responsibility for their own health. This can be achieved through a whole school approach which engages the entire school community in promoting consistent messages about healthier eating and drinking throughout the school day.

Benefits of a whole school approach

By endorsing a whole school approach your school can:

Many schools have adopted a Whole School Food Policy. A key aim of the Whole School Food Policy is to develop healthy eating and drinking activities in your school that can benefit pupils, staff, parents/carers, caterers and others associated with your school.

Benefits of a whole school food policy

A Whole School Food Policy enables your school to develop and maintain a shared philosophy on all aspects of food and drink. It makes a public statement which demonstrates how your school cares for and makes a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of pupils, staff and other stakeholders.

What is a whole school food policy?

A Whole School Food Policy is a shared, evolving document for all stakeholders that interact with your school. It expresses a common vision of the ethos, status and role of all aspects of food within your school. In particular, it aims to develop a coherent approach to healthy eating activities in your school.

It encourages all aspects of food and drink to be brought together, clearly, coherently and consistently, including:

The process of developing a policy facilitates discussion, provides a clear audit of the role and profile of food and drink in any school and engages all stakeholders towards its successful establishment.

Arguably, the process is more important than the final document since it helps establish ownership. Establishing a policy is key to improving the health and wellbeing of your school. Once your school has established its own Whole School Food Policy, targeted, co-ordinated approaches can then be put into action.

Step-by-step plan

1. Getting started


To do

2. Conduct an audit of food in school


To do

3. Draft policy