21 Common Insurance Terms and What They Mean in Plain Language

Reading health insurance lingo can feel akin to learning a foreign language, whether you’re studying a bill for a recent doctor’s visit or simply trying to understand what your own insurance policy covers.

With words and phrases like formulary, coinsurance and premium—it’s no wonder many of us get confused. According to a 2020 survey by Policygenius, one out of four Americans (26 percent) say they’ve avoided getting care or treatment because they’re not sure what their insurance covers, and people with lower income were more likely to avoid care. Only 37 percent of people polled knew that Affordable Care Act plans cover people with pre-existing conditions. And only 32 percent of those surveyed were able to correctly define terms like copay, premium and deductible.

Health literacy isn’t taught in most schools, so it’s on us to educate ourselves. The payoff is worthwhile: when you understand the words and concepts that apply to your health and your health insurance, you’re better able to advocate for yourself and your loved ones and get the health services you need.

To that end, we’ve created a glossary of common terms and defined them in plain language. Because we know that staying on top of your healthcare is hard enough—understanding it shouldn’t be an additional challenge.

Common health insurance terms

This list of terms is just a start. Now that you’ve read about the importance of health literacy, make a commitment to become your own advocate and continue learning. If you’re at a healthcare appointment and you don’t understand what someone is talking about—whether it’s your PCP or a person in the billing department—speak up. Request that they use plain language so that it makes sense to you. That way, you can be active in your own healthcare plan, and help your provider help you.