Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice

This guide highlights key differences among three major citation styles: MLA, APA and Chicago. It provides general tips and guidance for each, as well as a side-by-side comparison of sample Reference List or Works Cited entries for various types of sources.


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Formatting in APA - Word and Google Docs

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Examples -- Referencing Books

Basic Format for Books

Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of work: Capitalize first letter of subtitle and Proper Nouns. Publisher. DOI (if it has one)

Basic Format for an Authored Entry or Chapter in Books Books and Ebooks One Author

Wellock, D. (2015). Health and nutrition for dogs and cats: A guide for pet parents. Rowman & Littlefield.

Two Authors

Terhune, T. R., & Hays, B. A. (2015). Land your dream career in college: The complete guide to success. Rowman & Littlefield.

More Than Two Authors

Liebman, J. S., Crowley, S., Markquart, A., Rosenberg, L., White, L. G., & Zharkovsky, D. (2014). The wrong Carlos: Anatomy of a wrongful execution. Columbia University Press.

Corporate Author

Solar Energy International. (2014). Photovoltaics design and installation manual: Renewable energy education for a sustainable future. New Society Press.

No Author Lippincott nursing procedures (8th ed.). (2019). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Editor Zott, L. M. (Ed.). (2015). Women's health: Opposing viewpoints. Greenhaven Press. A Later Edition of a Book

Carpenito, L. J. (2017). Nursing care plans: Transitional patient & family centered care (7th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Chapter or Entry within a Book or Ebook An Un-Authored Entry in an Edited Book

Defibrillator. (2021). In D. Venes (Ed.), Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary (24th ed.). F. A. Davis.

Entry in an E-book without Page Numbers (Author is the Publisher) American Academy of Family Physicians (2023). Rheumatoid arthritis. In AAFP conditions A-Z. Authored Chapter in a Edited Book

Buchanan, A. (2014). Protective factors in family relationships. In M. M. Merviö (Ed.), Contemporary social issues in East Asian societies: Examining the spectrum of public and private spheres (pp. 76-85). Information Science Reference.

Chapter in an Authored Book

Use a narrative description (in addition to the in-text citation) in your paper's text to point your reader to the chapter. Then reference the whole book:

Blumberg, M., & Kust, R. T. (2020). Research skills in language and literature. Wiley. Introduction, Preface, Foreword or Afterword

Mast, T. (2007). Introduction. In R. A. Kelly, Energy supply and renewable resources (pp. i-ix). Facts on File.