My Health Record Assisted Registration

Register new patients with My Health Record if they are not already registered.

Communicare checks if a patient with that IHI already exists in the My Health Record and warns you if they do. Do not register a patient more than once.

To register a new patient with My Health Record:

My Health Record icon

  1. In the new patient's biographic record, click My Health Record Registration .
  2. In the My Health Record Assisted Registration window, information about the patient is displayed in the Patient pane.

Biographics icon

Tip: Click Change Details to edit patient details in the Patient Biographics window.

The guardian's IHI number is validated before allowing them to be selected or saved. Even though it is not required for a child registration that the guardian and child share the same Medicare Number, the patient search will default to a search based on the patient's Medicare Number. To edit the guardian's patient record, click Biographics iconChange Details . To remove the guardian from the registration, click Clear iconClear Guardian .

My Health Record icon

  • From the Identity Verification Method list in the Evidence of Identification pane, select the way in which the patient's identity was verified.
  • In the Declaration pane, set if the patient agrees with the terms and conditions for My Health Record registration and use. The declaration wording varies depending on whether a guardian is involved in the registration.
  • Click Send Registration Details to My Health Record .
  • Communicare validates the patient, guardian, and registration data.

    If the data is valid, the registration is sent to the My Health Record, and you will either receive a confirmation that the registration has been successful, or an error message.

    If the IVC Delivery method was set to Response and the registration is successful, the Identity Verification Code is displayed.

    If a patient is successfully registered with My Heath Record, the Patient registered with MHR iconOpen My Health Record icon in their clinical record displays a green background.
    Example clinical record of patient registered with MHR